Create a Custom Magical Plant Garden

Jenn Campus
7 min readFeb 10, 2020

Each plant has its own magic. If you hoped this would be a list of the most magical and witchy plants on the planet, I am sorry to disappoint you; this is not that kind of article. Instead, the aim is to debunk some of the mystery surrounding “magical plants”, and to inform you that in fact all plants are magical, and the magic doesn’t only come from the plant itself but stems from your relationship to various plants. The intimacy between plant and practitioner is where the magic is.


I like to think of our relationships with plants in the same way I think about relationships with people. Some people are extroverts. They have a lot of connections, and many friendships. While others are introverts. They like to have deep connections to only a few people. Therefore, I use this analogy to explain why some people have a few plants that they know intimately and have a strong relationship to, while others may know hundreds. One is not better than the other, just different.

Plants, like humans, are multifaceted and thus just one plant can be used in a variety of ways. This means it is perfectly fine not to know every magical plant and the properties associated with each. It’s not only OK but encouraged to forego “witchy” plants you know nothing about, have no interest in, or haven’t established a relationship with.

It is however a good practice to align the feeling a specific plant holds for you with a specific intention or goal when using the magical plant. Sometimes your particular relationship will mean that you associate attributes to a particular plant that you may not find in any book. For example, if chamomile imparts protective energies when you work with it, and you want to use chamomile to impart that energy to a spell, or on a person, try to visualize the plant exuding protection when you use it. If visualization is not in your practice, just ask the plant. I find most plants will step up to the task when asked with a strong intention and a loving heart.


Pick Plants You Already Love

Most people can think of a few particular plants that they really love. These plants are a must for your garden, especially if they can be procured easily and will grow well in your planting zone. Some may be herbs, some flowers. Some might be considered house plants, a tree, or even vegetables! It really doesn’t matter. What matters is how they make you feel. Sit with the plants you love and ask them to tell you their properties and what you can best use them for. Tie a feeling to a plant, use the plant with that intention, and you are making magic!

Pick Plants That You Need

Different people need different kinds of magic in their lives. Some people are dealing with illness and need plants that are supportive of their body’s healing efforts. Some people have children and want to grow intimacy with plants that have protective qualities. While others might want to find loving relationships, bring harmony into their homes, tap into abundance and wealth, connect with ancestors, or other spirits. There are innumerable ways to work with plant magic, and these are only a handful of options. If you have an intention for the kind of magic you wish to invite, look for plants with those qualities. Check out the database at Witchipedia for some ideas.

Choose Plants So There is Always Something Blooming

Try to choose a wide variety of plants that mature at different seasons of the year. This will add visual interest to your garden, and you can learn how specific plants change with the seasons. This practice also ensures there is something for the pollinators to enjoy year round. Pollinators keep a garden healthy and happy. Observe your garden to see what kinds of pollinators your plants attract, and research into the magical properties of those animals.

WARNING: When researching the perfect plants for a magical garden, you are likely to come across plants that are toxic to animals, adults and children, alike. Please use extreme caution if you choose poisonous plants for your garden. If you plant both toxic and edible plants in your garden be sure that they are clearly separated, and well labeled to avoid any accidents.

Start A Magical Apothecary

While growing a plant yourself certainly deepens your relationship to it by learning what it requires to thrive and taking time to care for it, it is not required that you grow a plant yourself to work with its energy.

Some plants we feel close to are impossible to grow ourselves. Cinnamon is a major plant ally of mine, yet I have never seen a living species of the Cinnamomum family. However, it never fails me when I want to promote a feeling of contentment, especially in my home environment. That is why baking feels so warm and fuzzy. Cinnamon is often incorporated in baked goods, and the smell of it wafting through your house, certainly makes people feel good.

Therefore, don’t discount plants you love, that you aren’t able to grow, just add them to your home apothecary, or pantry, and use them with the intention of the magic you wish to impart.


Choose Your Plot

Find a plot of land that gets about 6 hours of sunlight a day. Not all plants require as much sun, but it’s important for all plants to get some direct sunlight every day. If you don’t have enough land or good land for a garden, you can also use containers placed in a more ideal location. Here are 13 versatile herbs that grow in the shade.

Try Planting From Seed

If you plant from seed you can choose your seed supplier. You can also create a ritual around the planting of the seeds. Hold the seeds for a particular plant and set an intention that the plant grows vibrantly, and that you will cultivate a good relationship with it. If you can’t get seeds it’s perfectly good to bless plants, too.

Use Organic Growing Methods

If you are interested in planting a magical garden, it is likely that you also care about the environment. Therefore you will want to use organic growing methods. Find an organic seed supplier, and use natural materials to augment the soil and feed your plants. Learn to compost, or make comfrey tea to fertilize your plants.

Create an Altar

You can leave offerings on your altar to the spirits of the plants, or to fairies and gnomes, who love living in the garden and will certainly help a magical garden flourish if you ask them. Place figurines of fairies, elves, or gnomes in your garden, and place offerings of milk and honey or shiny items to invite them. Place a large flat rock, or bring out a comfortable chair and use the space to meditate and commune with the plants and spirits of the land.


Create a Daily Ritual

Meditate with, touch, talk, and communicate with your plants every day. This will allow you to observe them in all seasons which will deepen your relationship with and understanding of all the individual plants in your garden. This relationship is key to working with your magical plants.

Intention and Visualization

As you sit with your plants and spend time getting to know them, open yourself up to how they make you feel; the qualities they impart. This will help you use your magical plants. When you know their properties, you can use that when creating your intention for using them, and using techniques like visualization when you use them in daily ritual, whether it be in kitchen magic or spellwork.

Kitchen Magic

Perhaps the most simple way to use your magical plants is to use them daily, in the kitchen. Even the most common kitchen herbs have magical properties, it’s up to you to unlock them. I created this video to get you started.

Drink them as Tea

Another simple, everyday way to use your magical plants is to make a witch’s brew. Whether you call it an herbal infusion, or simply herbal tea, be sure to only use edible plants for creating magical tea blends.

Burn them as Incense

Create your own special incense blends with your magical plants. Incense is a great way to clear energetic space and expel negative or stagnant energy. Many plants are also antibacterial or antiviral and by burning them, you might reduce the number of microbes in your environment.

Make a Flower Essence

Flower Essences made at the peak of a flower’s bloom can help create deep shifts and changes in people, and animals, by harnessing the unique energy or essence of the plant itself. It is a pretty straightforward process and you need only basic materials like a clean bowl of fresh water, sunlight, and your flower.

Make a Tincture

Tinctures are a way to create a long-lasting and effective way to ingest a plant to help support the body in healing. I prefer using the simple folk method.

If you want more ideas for how to use your magical plants I recommend Rosemary Gladstar’s book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health. There are 175 herbal recipes inside the book, and it is a great guide for everyone from beginners and adepts.


Now that you understand the importance of building a relationship to plants you wish to use for magic, it is time for you to choose the plants you want to include to create your own magical garden! I’d love to hear about your favorites.



Jenn Campus

Best-selling author, anthropologist, and mythologist. Old Ways for Modern Days: Food. Land. Tradition. Magic.